PUPILS from Barnton Primary School have been learning about climate change and nature.

Officers from Vale Royal Borough Council treated members of the environment club at the school to a presentation concerning these issues.

The event was organised to raise awareness of climate change and the effects on local wildlife.

Martin Harrison, Vale Royal Borough Council's countryside ranger, and Andrea Lee, climate change awareness officer, spoke to the children about day-to-day factors of climate change and told them how they can make a difference to the environment.

The children were also given packets of seeds to plant in their wildlife garden at school and at home.

Clr Mark Stocks, lead clr for environmental policy, said: "Teaching children to understand the environment from an early age is an excellent idea.

"By giving out seeds the council hopes to encourage sustainability throughout the borough."

If your school is interested in taking part in the initiative and you would like seeds to plant, contact Andrea Lee on 01606 867590 or email alee@valeroyal.gov.uk.